Welcome to the September 2024 Newsletter From The Vines  

ECE Conference 2024

At the beginning of August Mark and Nicole headed down South to attend the annual ECC Conference – Success through Wellbeing.

It provided a great opportunity to meet lots of people from within the industry. Networking with other centre owners to help us gain more knowledge and leverage off their experiences.

There was a range of guest speakers throughout the weekend sharing their knowledge on well-being, positive team culture, development, growth, support and connection. It was incredibly valuable to hear from several professionals in their fields. Gemma McCaw spoke on Striking the Balance, Dr Jin Russell spoke on Learning Differences and The Pandemic Generation, Dr Lucy Home spoke on Resilience and how to build resilience in both your team and the children in their care. Matt Brown spoke about The role of community in collective healing.

Hon David Seymour also attended and presented to everyone. He spoke of the financial challenges the government is facing in the education sector. He also spoke of his dreams and aspirations to turn the pyramid upside down so they can focus on targeting more attention towards early childhood.

A Q&A session at the conclusion of his presentation was well received by all. It gave many owners, managers and teachers an opportunity to share their frustrations and ideas as to how the government could look to do things better.

The conference also gave us an opportunity to meet with a selection of industry suppliers. We spoke with various software systems, playground equipment, specialist accountants, consultants etc. This has provided us with an opportunity to further research into streamlining our management software and behind-the-scenes systems to hopefully reduce paper! We are currently investigating our options to do things more effectively and efficiently.  Watch this space!

Early childhood experts

Upcoming events

We have set a date for our Market Day

Save the date – Saturday 30th November 2024. Read on to find out more about our Christmas market! We have a number stall stallholders who have signed up already. However, we thought it would be great to open this up to any parents who have side projects or crafts they want to promote or sell.

If you are interested in having a stall or would like some more information, then please get in touch with Bianca. admin@thevineselc.co.nz

Fathers day at daycare
Te Reo at Auckland childcare centre
roald-dahl-day at Auckland daycare

The Vines received some more very special visitors

As a continuation of our current Tipu and Puāwai rooms area of interest, we had a visit from the Henderson Fire Department. Read more about our special visit here.

Visits to daycare NZ

September 2024 News From The Vines